Final Destination
“2009 Overall Challenge Senior Team”
“2009 Challenge Young Adult Team of the Year”
Final Destination formed in May of 2001, although most of the dancers have been clogging for the past 10-18 years. They are a competition/exhibition clogging team located out of Orange County, California.
Under the direction of Andrew and Kacie Babbitt, this nationally ranked team consists of dancers ranging in ages from 18 to 26, from all over the United States. The 2009 team members include: Andrew Babbitt (CA), Kacie Babbitt (CA), Heather Grissom (IN) and Patrick Squires (CA). Also accompanying Final Destination this season are the following junior dancers: Jessica Holle (CA), Savanna Jilg (IN), Jennifer Vargas (CA), and Clarissa Wong (CA).
Final Destination most recently attended the 2009 CCA Showdown of Champions in Spartanburg, South Carolina. At this national competition, they competed and became the Overall Grand Champions in the Challenge Senior Standing Line, Moving Line, and Exhibition categories. It was also here, that team members Andrew, Kacie, Heather, Jordan, and Patrick, worked together to accomplish their ultimate clogging dream. After dancing off 3 routines, Final Destination won top clogging honors, becoming the 2009 Showdown of Champions Overall Challenge Senior Team and the Young Adult “Team of the Year.” This lifelong dream was, and forever will be, Final Destination’s single greatest moment.
Final Destination is home to the following 2008 USA National All-Star Team Members: Andrew Babbitt, Kacie Babbitt, Heather Grissom and Patrick Squires, as well as home to the 2009 CCA All Pro Team Members: Andrew Babbitt (Director), Kacie Babbitt (Director), and Heather Grissom. Andrew Babbitt was also recognized at the CCA Showdown of Champions as the 2009 Overall Male Solo winner.
The team’s favorite performances include a guest appearance on the Megan Mullally Show, the Long Beach Special Olympics, the Pomona Harvest Festival, and the KidsFest at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri.
The Final Destination Cloggers look forward to a great future promoting the contemporary styles of clogging, while continuing to preserve the culture and tradition of America's Step Dance.